5 Years Full of Impact, Thank You!!

5 year after starting this journey Rita Marques, CEO of Impactrip, writes for all our volunteers:


“I am super happy to be writing to you today. It feels like I am writing to a big big family 😊
I believe most of you know me from the endless introduction sessions on your first day of program, on Monday, right? I was that blond giving the never-ending presentation while you were all hungry already. With the broken English? Ah… now is coming to your mind!
I am writing you today because I want to thank you! You could have chosen any kind of holidays, any beach to lay down, any mountain to climb, any city to party… And instead you chose to change the world, just a little. And little by little, volunteer by volunteer, we already achieved 50.000 hours of volunteer work in (1+) 4 years. 50 thousand hours of pure heartful effort to contribute to a social and environmental cause and to create change in local communities. That’s just amazing and I and the whole team didn’t want to celebrate these 5 years without sharing this with all the changemakers that made this possible. That’s right, you! That YOU so much for being part of this community of changemakers and I hope you continue this journey of creating a better world with us.”


Did you know that Rita decided to create ImpacTrip while she was volunteering in Malasia?

Keep following our volunteers’ adventures!